I like to take a holistic approach believing that a problem with a muscle in the shoulder, for example, could also have an affect on the muscles of the neck, arm and back. So in my treatments, I will focus on a particular problem but include as much of the rest of the body as time allows. I am often asked if sports massage is painful. Any muscle that has been injured or is carrying tension will be tender or sometimes painful when being treated. Pain is a very personal thing and is different for everyone and can even differ from one area of the body to another. The pressure and stretches used can be adjusted to suit your pain threshold.
Cost -
£30 for 30 minutes
£55 for 60 minutes
£80 for 90 minutes
Your 6th treatment free
After your fifth treatment you will receive a sixth for free. You do not need to pay anything in advance and there is no time limit on when the treatments have to be completed.
Massage Treatments