Body Waxing
Torso wax: £60
Upper and lower back, shoulders, the tops of the arms (cap t-
Chest & Abs wax: £35
Chest, abs and stomach.
Abs wax: £10
Abs only.
Chest wax: £25
The upper chest section only (from the neck down to the bottom of the rib cage)
Neck & Shoulder wax: £20
Shoulders and the neck/hairline.
Back, Shoulder, Neck & Half-
Back, shoulder, neck and half arms wax includes the upper and lower back, shoulders, the top half of the arms (down to the elbows) and the neck/hairline if required.
Back, Shoulder & Neck wax: £35
Back, shoulder and neck wax includes the upper and lower back, shoulders, the tops
of the arms (cap t-
Basic Back wax: £30
Upper and lower back wax only. The basic back wax does NOT include the neck/hairline, shoulders or upper arms. Strip wax will be used.
Finger wax: £5
Remove the hair just from the fingers.
Hand wax: £10
Removes the hair from the hands and fingers.
Underarm wax: £10
Armpits only.
Full Arm & Hand: £35
Full arm and hand wax.
Toe wax: £5
Removes the hair from toes only.
Foot wax: £10
Feet and toes.
Upper Half-
Knees, upper leg up to the brief line at the back and the speedo line at the front.
Lower Half-
Knees and lower legs, feet and toes.
Full Leg, Foot & Butt wax: £80
Butt cheeks & crack, legs, feet and toes.
Full Leg & Foot wax: £50
Legs, feet and toes. Up to the brief line.
Intimate Waxing
Back & Butt wax: £60
This is a full neck, shoulder and back wax plus buttocks and cleavage.
Boyzilian wax: £45
A Male Brazilian/Hollywood wax.
Sac & Crack wax: £45
Sac and butt cleavage wax.
Butt wax: £35
Full butt wax.
Jewel wax: £35
This is a wax just for the penis and sac.
Butt Cheek wax: £20
A wax for the butt cheeks only.
Crack wax: £20
Just the butt cleavage wax.
Chest, Sac & Crack wax: £80
This is a full chest and stomach wax plus an intimate wax for men.
Back, Sac & Crack wax: £80
This is a full neck, shoulder and back wax plus an intimate wax.
Waxing Treatments
Axiom Certified wax therapist
There are endless combinations of waxing treatments available. Below are a selection of the most popular.
Please call me for the price of the treatment you require.